Organization | Location | State | Grant Description | Amount Paid |
American Red Cross of the Quad Cities | Moline | IL | Disaster relief efforts for Central Iowa tornado victims. |
25,000 |
American Red Cross of the Quad Cities | Moline | IL | Disaster relief efforts for victims of flooding in the Midwest. |
10,000 |
Clothing Center at Minnie’s Maison | Davenport | IA | Expand a clothing provision program for foster children. |
5,000 |
Louisa County Ambulance | Columbus Junction | IA | Purchase emergency response equipment. |
5,000 |
Muscatine County Sheriff’s Office | Muscatine | IA | Purchase protective equipment for the Muscatine County Drug Task Force. |
12,000 |
5 | TOTAL |
$57,000 |