To determine if a proposed project coincides with an area of Trust interest and to avoid unnecessary labor for a potential applicant, the Carver Trust encourages initial written or electronically transmitted inquiries to before submission of a formal request. Letters of inquiry should be no longer than two pages and should not be accompanied by videotapes, detailed financial reports or other supporting documents.
The following information should be included in the initial letter of inquiry:
- A brief background on your organization, including a history of its existence, the size of staff and board and the type of service provided.
- A succinct description of the project, what it is designed to achieve, and how this will be accomplished.
- A proposed budget for the total cost of the project and the amount you intend to request from the Trust. If possible, identify the particular budget items for which you would be requesting Trust support. Specify other potential or committed sources of funding for the project.
- A statement describing why participation of the Carver Trust is vital to the success of the project. Indicate any past history with the Trust or any contacts you have made with Trust staff or others leading to your decision to approach the Trust for funding. All letters of inquiry should be directed to:
Troy K. Ross, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
202 Iowa Avenue
Muscatine IA 52761-3733
Letters may be transmitted via the e-mail address