Organization | Location | State | Grant Description | Amount Paid |
Carver Statewide Scholarship Program | Various | IA | Scholarships for students facing adversity and special circumstances. |
1,024,800 |
Algona Public Library | Algona | IA | Expand the library. |
60,000 |
Family Museum | Bettendorf | IA | Acquire new resources for physical play. |
90,000 |
Figge Art Museum | Davenport | IA | Renovate the Family Activity Center. |
10,500 |
Frances Banta Waggoner Community Library | DeWitt | IA | Expand the library. |
60,000 |
Hoover Presidential Foundation | West Branch | IA | Upgrade instructional and presentation technology. |
107,249 |
Iowa State University | Ames | IA | Reconfigure student collaboration areas within the main library. |
200,000 |
Living History Farms | Urbandale | IA | Renovate a campus building. |
15,000 |
Loras College | Dubuque | IA | Purchase equipment for scientific instruction |
190,000 |
Louisa County Conservation Board | Wapello | IA | Assist with development of an outdoor educational display. |
24,000 |
Mercer Carnegie Public Library District | Aledo | IL | Construct a new building. |
60,000 |
Muscatine Art Center | Muscatine | IA | Replace lighting in the Stanley Gallery exhibit space. |
46,500 |
Muscatine Community School District | Muscatine | IA | Fund the 2019 Excellence in Education program. |
84,000 |
Muscatine Community School District | Muscatine | IA | Initiate a career-training curriculum for students with disabilities. |
16,000 |
Muscatine County Agricultural Extension District | Muscatine | IA | Support renovation of a new service building. |
150,000 |
Musser Public Library | Muscatine | IA | Acquire exterior signage for the library building. |
32,831 |
National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium | Dubuque | IA | Support the expansion of a river-themed educational program. |
50,000 |
The Nature Conservancy | Des Moines | IA | Provide support for community outreach and education efforts in the Muscatine region. |
50,000 |
Quimby Public Library | Quimby | IA | Purchase new library furnishings. |
5,000 |
Sioux City Public Library | Sioux City | IA | Renovate the library. |
60,000 |
University of Dubuque | Dubuque | IA | Purchase laboratory equipment. |
47,048 |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Expand a community-based science education program. |
90,425 |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Support a study on science literacy for kindergarten through second grade students. |
118,539 |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Support a preservation project at the UNI Museum. |
78,958 |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Acquire equipment for physics instruction and research. (Challenge) |
400,000 |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Update resources for instruction in anatomy and physiology. |
40,000 |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Acquire equipment for instruction in robotics. |
225,000 |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Acquire equipment for use in chemistry and biochemistry. |
275,000 |
Western Illinois University | Macomb | IL | Equip and expand engineering and technology design laboratories on the Quad Cities campus. |
494,917 |
29 | TOTAL |
$4,105,767 |